Lucian Reed in Cartagena Part 1
Lucian Reed in Cartagena Part 1
Lucian Reed in Cartagena Part 1
Lucian Reed in Cartagena Part 1
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Lucian Reed in Cartagena Part 1

  • Added: 19.06.2024
  • Lucian Reed
  • 16:11 minutes of video
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What better way to head towards the weekend then with our new star Lucian Reed. Lucian flew in for a visit and we took him to our secret hideout condo, where we stripped Lucian bare naked so you would be able to enjoy his splendid muscular body. Wait till you see his big meaty cock, which looks very inviting, so to speak .Mr.Jobs keeps stroking it until it becomes hard as a rock. Cumshot will leave you speechless!
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